Worship at SPC
Why bother joining with others in worship?
What difference does church make?
What difference can I make?
How can worship help frame life for me?

Those are the kinds of questions we hope to address each week in worship.
We could say that worship at Second is joy-filled and personal.
We like to believe that worship is welcoming and inclusive.
We hope that sermons are Bible-based, engaging, and relevant, that the music is meaningful, stirring, and engaging, and that the prayers and the liturgy make us stop and reflect on our lives in new ways.
Communion in Worship

Communion at SPC is through intinction (i.e., you come forward, receive a piece of bread, and then dip it into the cup [grape juice]).
If you visit during a Sunday when communion is being offered, you do not need to receive it and can just remain seated. Or you could come forward for a blessing. If you wish to receive communion, but would like to remain seated, we will bring it to you.
We have an open communion table. As our liturgy says, “This is not the table of Second Presbyterian Church. This is the Lord’s table. And each one of you is welcome. Each of us—with our doubts, our fears, our scars, our joy, our dreams, our hopes, our questions—we are invited to God's table.”
Children are welcome to the table, either for a blessing or to receive the elements. We do ask that before children receive the elements, you speak with them or have one of the clergy speak with them about the meaning of the Lord’s table.
Children in Worship
Children are welcome in worship!
We have special bulletins and activity bags for children. We have a “crying room” in the back of the sanctuary, for those moments when you might want privacy but still want to see the service. We have a special children’s time called the “Time of Discovery” during the worship service. We also have childcare available for younger children during worship.

Fellowship Time
Each week, immediately after worship, we gather in the fellowship hall to enjoy interesting food and conversation.